Financial Indicators
FINANCIAL STATISTICS are described as stochastic variables covering the financial performance of crypto currencies found in Cryptoken Board market universe.
The following list contains the most relevant financial metrics procured by CB which are also known as being widely used standardized statistical measures that help explain return distribution of digital assets.
Cryptoken Board uses CoinGecko reference rates as the input variables exclusively to maintain our proprietary data-base management system. Coin Gecko provides the most comprehensive and accurate financial information on the crypto market, both the individual crypto currencies and the exchanges.
Market Capitalization
The market capitalization is a widely used financial metric that describes total monetary value of the blockchain and their associative coins / tokens. We retrieve total market capitalization from Coin Gecko.
Profile Rank
Total market capitalization divided by the amount of coins / tokens in circulation (minted) is the gross amount of digital wealth created by an ecosystem. Cryptoken Board uses Coin Gecko data ranking each crypto currency from 1 - > 250. We then keep track of the total index value and the continuance members in real time.
Rate of Return
Cryptoken Board DFA 250 modules provide rate of return for each cryptocurrency by using the reference rates and period to calculate a percentage change for a given performance table.
Standard Deviation
Standard deviation is the statistical measure of market volatility, measuring how widely prices are dispersed from the average price. If prices trade in a narrow trading range, the standard deviation will return a low value that indicates low volatility.
Correlation to Bitcoin
Using the reference rates and period ending dates for each Correlation to Bitcoin financial indicator at 30 days, 60 days and 90 days. Cryptoken Board provides Corr. to BTC financial indicator for each crypto currency found in Cryptoken Board the top 250 market coverage.
Benchmark Performance
According to CB Main DFA Module, each crypto currency is classified according to our standardized topology rankings. Cryptoken Board provides for each crypto currency their INDUSTRY and SECTOR ratings, helping users compare apples to apples and oranges to oranges when evaluating two different crypto assets.
Moving Average Rank Percentile MARP
The Moving Average Rank percentile (MARP) is CB PRO 📊 proprietary financial indictor and an investment metric that measures crypto currency oscillator trend for a specific period of time 30 days, 60 days and 90 days. The MARP indicator is designed to keep-track of both 1] quantitative score ranging from 1-100, and also a 2] chart displaying 1st / 3rd quartile (cones) and the period mean. The MARP indicator is produced in real time for each crypto currency, and we often utilize a spread of 30/60 days and 30/90 days to gage market turning point and possible trend reversals.
Money Flow Index MFI
The Money Flow Index indicator (MFI) is a tool used in technical analysis for measuring buying and selling pressure. This is done through analyzing both price and volume. The MFI's calculation generates a value that is then plotted as a line that moves within a range of 0-100, making it an oscillator. MFI rises, this indicates an increase in buying pressure. When it falls, this indicates an increase in selling pressure. The Money Flow Index is produced by Cryptoken Board for all crypto currencies under DFA 250 and are generate several signals, most notably; overbought and oversold conditions, divergences, and failure swings.
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